Furniture Production Growing Primarily in Asia – ITTO European Market Report 30th June 2015

World production of furniture has grown constantly over the last five years. The CSIL Word Furniture Outlook currently estimates its worth at about US$480 billion, up from US$437 billion in 2013. Production in Europe and North America stagnated between 2009 and 2014. High-income countries accounted for 39% of production in 2014 and middle and low-income countries for 61%. The share of middle and low-income countries in world production first exceeded 50% in 2010 and has risen steadily since.

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EU Tropical Veneer Imports Down 6% – ITTO European Market Report 15th June 2015

EU imports of tropical hardwood veneer were 63,550 m3 in the first quarter of 2015, 6% down on the same period in 2014. Imports from Gabon, the largest supplier, were 10% up at 34,744 m3. This gain failed to offset falling imports from Côte d’Ivoire (-20% to 15,189 m3), Cameroon (-16% to 4,085 m3), and the Republic of Congo (-42% to 2938 m3) (Chart 1).

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