Across the EU, signs are emerging of a gradual improvement in economic conditions and confidence. Fears of a euro currency collapse have receded into the background and the political situation seems more stable in Southern Europe. GDP growth resumed from the second quarter of 2013 in several European countries, notably the UK and Germany. Construction sector activity has also improved significantly in the UK and Germany from the start of the summer onwards.
Continue reading “Economy Improves But No Signs Yet of Rising Tropical Hardwood Demand – ITTO European Market Report 31st October 2013”EU Wood Furniture Market – ITTO European Market Report 15th October 2013
Total supply of wood furniture into the EU27 market is estimated to have been €50.4 billion in 2012, down 2% from €51.5 billion in 2011 (Chart 1). EU27 production decreased 4% from €46.45 billion to €45.22 billion. Imports increased 3% from 5.07 billion to 5.27 billion. In 2012, imports accounted for 11.6% of all furniture supply to the EU, up from 10.9% the previous year, but below 12.5% recorded in 2010 (Chart 2). Overall consumption is estimated to have fallen 4% in 2012 from €43.35 billion to €41.75 billion (Chart 3).
Continue reading “EU Wood Furniture Market – ITTO European Market Report 15th October 2013”