The EU’s Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition (STTC) held its annual conference in Paris on 26 September. The conference highlighted the ongoing work to promote tropical timber in Europe by STTC participants and raised questions about the role of targets for procurement of “certified sustainable” that are central to STTC activities.
Continue reading “STTC Considers Share of Certified Tropical Wood in European Market – ITTO European Market Report 31st October 2018”UNECE Forecast Continuing Stasis in EU Sawn Hardwood Consumption – ITTO European Market Report 15th October 2018
The UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry (COFFI) released their Annual Market Review 2017-2018, together with several market statements by national governments in the UNECE region (which includes the subregions of Europe, North America and the CIS), in advance of their 76th session to be held in Vancouver on 5-9 November (see for details).
Continue reading “UNECE Forecast Continuing Stasis in EU Sawn Hardwood Consumption – ITTO European Market Report 15th October 2018”