AF&PA – Trade and Environment Program in Europe Reports
Report PDF: T&E_Jun_1998
1: Meetings
2: Development of certification in Europe
2.1: United Kingdom
2.2: Finland
2.3: Norway
3: Development of certification outside Europe
3.1: FSC
4: Market Developments
4.1: UK 1995 Plus Group & Paper Federation Certification Working Group
4.2: UK Local Authorities
4.3: Holland and Canada clash at ITTO
5: Environmentalist campaigns
5.1: WWF International Press Briefing
5.2: WWF Critical of Progress made at Lisbon Meeting
5.3: Greenpeace praise MacMillan Bloedel’s stance on clearcutting
5.4: Brazil
Report PDF: T&E_Jul_Aug_1998
1: Meetings
2: Development of certification in Europe
2.1: United Kingdom
2.2: Europe's small forest owners
2.3: Finland
3: Development of certification outside Europe
3.1: Malaysia
3.2: FSC
4: Market Developments
4.1: UK importers endorse mutual recognition concept
4.2: UK Local Authorities and Government Timber Procurement
4.3: Dutch legislation now being considered by the EC
4.4: FSC critique
5: Environmentalist campaigns
5.1: Friends of the Earth focus on Brazil
5.2: Greenpeace focus on British Columbia
5.3: The WWF add Endangered Species Campaign to schedule
Report PDF: T&E_Sep_Oct_1998
1: Meetings
2: Development of certification in Europe
2.1: Pan European Certification Framework
2.2: United Kingdom
2.3: Finland
2.4: Sweden
3: Development of certification outside Europe
3.1: Ghana
3.2: Indonesia
3.3: FSC
4: Market Developments
4.1: B&Q
4.2: Meyer International
4.3: German Buyers Group
4.4: Spanish Buyers Group
4.5: Denmark
4.6: WWF Buyers Groups - International Scope
5: Environmentalist campaigns
5.1: WWF launch 'Living Planet Report' and a 'Forest Investment Program'
5.2: Greenpeace continue to focus on British Columbia
Report PDF: T&E_Nov_1998
1: Meetings
2: Development of certification in Europe
2.1: Pan European Initiative
2.2: European Commission
2.3: Sweden's non-industrial forest owners
2.4: UK Woodland Assurance Scheme
3: Development of certification outside Europe
3.1: FSC in Brazil
4: Market Developments
4.1: Germany
4.2: Netherlands Heart for Wood Campaign
4.3: British Retailers Consortium
4.4: UK Government Procurement Policy
4.5: European Softwood Conference
5: Environmentalist campaigns
5.1: Greenpeace "old growth" campaign
5.2: Brazil
5.3: European Green Parties