AF&PA – Trade and Environment Program in Europe Reports
Report PDF: T&E_Jan_Mar_2005
1: Forest certification developments. p4
1.1: Global status of forest certification. p4
1.2: Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification. p4
1.2.1: Current status of PEFC certification. p4
1.2.2: Search for CPET endorsement. p5
1.2.3: World Bank relations. p5
1.2.4: Minimum requirements check-list. p5
1.2.5: PEFC national news. p6 UK. p6 Italian scheme expands. p6 Swiss Q-Label System reorganised. p6
1.3: Forest Stewardship Council. p7
1.3.1: Status of FSC certification. p7
1.3.2: FSC market developments. p8
1.3.3: WWF assess the forestry impact of FSC. p8
1.3.4: FSC in the Czech Republic. p9
1.3.5: FSC in Africa. p9
1.3.6: Small and Low Intensity Certification implemented. p10
1.4: Malaysian Timber Certification Council. p10
1.4.1: Implementation of FSC compatible standards. p10
1.4.2: Chain of custody standard revised. p10
1.4.3: MTCC under fire from environmentalists. p10
2: International agreements and institutions. p11
2.1: Europe. p11
2.1.1: EU FLEGT. p11
2.1.2: European Forestry Strategy. p11
2.1.3: European Forest Sector Outlook Study. p12
2.2: Central African Ministerial Conference. p12
2.3: East Asia FLEG. p12
2.4: International Tropical Timber Organisation. p13
2.5: United Nations Forum on Forests. p13
2.6: Kyoto Protocol. p14
3: National Procurement Policy. p15
3.1: United Kingdom. p15
3.1.1: CPET. p15
3.1.2: Price Premiums study. p16
3.2: China. p16
3.2.1: WWF Report on China’s wood market. p16
3.2.2: New Global Forest and Trade Network. p16
4: National forest policy. p17
4.1: Indonesia. p17
4.1.1: ENGO report spurs rapid government response. p17
4.1.2: CIFOR warns against over-emphasis on Indonesian trade. p17
4.2: Nun’s murder spurs on drive to regulate Amazonian forestry. p18
4.3: Congo region. p18
5: Environmental campaigns. p19
5.1: WWF target Bulgaria. p19
5.2: Greenpeace target Stora Enso. p19
5.3: Greenpeace target Portuguese imports from Brazil. p19
6: Future meetings. p19
Report PDF: T&E_Apr_Jun_2005
1: Forest certification developments. p4
1.1: Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification. p4
1.1.1: Current status of PEFC certification. p4
1.1.2: Search for CPET endorsement. p5
1.1.3: PEFC strengthens ENGO participation. p5
1.1.4: PEFC national news. p5 Australia. p5 Austria. p5
1.2: Forest Stewardship Council. p6
1.2.1: US host to the world’s second largest FSC certified forest area. p6
1.2.2: FSC global markets estimated at US$5 billion. p7
1.2.3: Lithuania State forests 100% FSC certified. p7
1.2.4: FSC boost consumer awareness in Netherlands. p8
1.2.5: FSC chain of custody standard for project certification. p8
1.2.6: FSC certification of Japanese power company. p8
1.3: Malaysian Timber Certification Council. p8
2: International agreements and institutions. p9
2.1: EU FLEGT. p9
2.2: North Asia FLEG. p9
2.3: UN Forum on Forests. p10
2.4: World Bank/WWF Alliance. p11
3: National Procurement Policy. p11
3.1: United Kingdom. p11
3.1.1: Endorsement of SFI and PEFC. p11
3.1.2:BRE Assessment. p12
3.1.3: Work to develop a Code for Sustainable Buildings. p13
3.1.4: TTF Responsible Procurement Policy (RPP). p14
3.1.5: TTF “illegal logging” roadshows in Africa. p14
3.2: France introduces new public procurement policy. p14
3.3: Netherlands. p16
3.4: Germany. p17
3.5: UCBD and FEBO. p17
3.6: UK think tank considers Chinese dimension. p18
4: National forest policy. p18
4.1: Illegal logging in Bosnia. p18
4.2: Indonesia supports WWF Aceh Reconstruction Guidance. p19
4.3: Brazil. p19
4.3.1: Deforestation on the rise. p19
4.3.2: Illegal logging crackdown. p19
5: Future meetings. p19
Report PDF: T&E_Aug_Oct_2005
Consultants commentary and highlights. p3
1: Development of Forest Certification in Europe. p4
1.1: Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). p4
1.1.1: Change in area and distribution. p4
1.1.2: PEFC Brazil scheme. p5
1.1.3: UK government recognises PEFC as legal and sustainable. p5
1.1.4: PEFC calls for harmonisation of public procurement policies. p5
1.1.5: PEFC struggles to achieve ENGO recognition. p5
1.2: Forest Stewardship Council. p6
1.2.1: Global area and status. p6
1.2.2: WWF claim FSC progress in Finland. p7
1.2.3: FSC clarify relationship to MTCC. p7
1.2.4: FSC review controlled wood standard. p8
1.2.5: Bolivia: leader in FSC tropical certification. p8
1.3: UNECE/FAO policy forum on government’s role in forest certification. p8
1.4: Global Forest and Trade Network expands in Asia. p9
1.5: World Bank/WWF Alliance QACC. p9
2: International Agreements and institutions. p10
2.1: European FLEGT. p10
2.1.1: FLEGT regulation passed. p10
2.1.2: European Timber Trade Action Plan. p11
2.2: Africa FLEG. p11
2.3: East Asia FLEG. p11
2.4: Europe and East Asia FLEG. p12
2.4.1: Status of negotiations. p12
2.4.2: EFI impacts study. p13
3: National Procurement Policies. p13
3.1: United Kingdom. p13
3.1.1: Central Point of Expertise on Timber. p13
3.1.2: Market impact of UK government procurement policy. p13
3.1.3: TTF Responsible Procurement Policy. p15
3.2: Germany. p15
3.3: France. p15
3.4: Spain. p16
3.5: Italy. p16
3.6: Belgium. p16
3.7: Netherlands. p17
4: Environmental campaigns. p17
4.1: Greenpeace target UK plywood imports from China. p17
4.2: Global Witness allege massive illegal log trade between China and Burma. p18
5: Events. p19