AF&PA – Trade and Environment Program in Europe Reports
Report PDF: T&E_Jan_Feb_2003
1: Forest Certification Developments
1.1: Pan European Forest Certification Scheme
1.1.1: PEFC Overall Progress
1.1.2: PEFC Germany
1.1.3: PEFC in Eastern Europe
1.2: Forest Stewardship Council
1.2.1: FSC certified forest area
1.2.2: FSC issues
1.2.3: FSC criticised in Estonia
1.3: Australian Forestry Standard
1.4: Brazilian CERFLOR
1.5: Chilean CERFLOR
1.6: Pan African Certification
1.7: EU Furniture Eco-label
1.8: Certification schemes “too complicated” for consumers
2: International Arrangements and institutions
2.1: FAO Expert Consultation on Trade and Sustainable Forest Management
2.2: Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management
2.3: Forest Law Enforcement and Governance (FLEG)
3: National regulations and initiatives
3.1: Indonesia and Illegal Logging
3.1.1: Weak log prices point to failure to control illegal logging
3.1.2: Devolution undermines forestry control – the case of West Papua
3.2: Central Africa Initiatives
3.2.1: Sustainable Forest Management Plans
3.2.2: IFIA Code of Conduct
4: Environmental Campaigns
4.1: “Illegal logging” in Estonia
4.2: Sweden-Latvia wood products trade
4.3: Rising German concern for illegal logging
4.4: Impact of palm oil business on Indonesian forest
5: Meetings
5.1: Future meetings in Europe
5.2: Future meetings outside Europe
Changes in FSC certified area between January 2002 and February 2003
Report PDF: T&E_Mar_Apr_2003
1: Forest Certification Developments
1.1: Global area of certified forest
1.2: Pan European Forest Certification Scheme
1.2.1: PEFC Overall Progress
1.2.2: PEFC Globalisation
1.2.3: PEFC National News
1.3: Forest Stewardship Council
1.3.1: FSC Certified Forest Area
1.3.2: FSC Technical Development
1.3.3: FSC National Standards
1.3.4: FSC Market Developments
1.4: Keurhout
1.5: Pan-Asian Timber Certification Initiative
1.6: Market Attitudes to Certification: the IBM Study
1.7: New Comparative Website of Forest Certification Schemes
2: International Arrangements and institutions
2.1: Kyoto Protocol
2.1.1: Russian Ratification Looks Shaky
2.1.2: EU Deliberates Carbon Role of Forests
2.2: New EC Unit to Implement European Forest Policy
3: Environmental Campaigns
3.1: North American Greens Compare FSC to SFI Program and CSA
3.2: European green groups focus on Africa
3.3: Old Growth in Finland
3.4: WWF Claim Widespread Illegal Logging in Russia
4: Meetings
4.1: Future meetings in Europe
4.2: Future meetings outside Europe
Report PDF: T&E_May_Jun_2003
1: Forest Certification Developments
1.1: Pan European Forest Certification Scheme
1.1.1: PEFC Progress
1.1.2: PEFC Technical developments
1.1.3: PEFC National News
1.2: Forest Stewardship Council
1.2.1: FSC Certified Forest Area
1.2.2: FSC Technical Development FSC review of chain of custody and labelling requirements Small and Low Intensity Managed Forests (SMIMFs)
1.2.3: FSC National Developments
1.3: Forest Dialogue
1.4: European industry chain of custody standard
1.5: Pan African Forest Certification Scheme
1.6: World Bank/WWF Alliance questionnaire
1.7: WWF Global Forest and Trade Network
1.8: Reports on timber tracking
2: International Arrangements and institutions
2.1: EU Illegal Logging Action Plan
2.1.1: Content of the Plan
2.1.2: Political reactions to the Plan
2.1.3: Implementation issues: establishing traceability
2.1.4: Next steps for the Plan
2.2: European public procurement policy
2.3: ITTO discuss certification and illegal logging
3: National Forest Policy
3.1: UK-Indonesia bilateral agreement to tackle illegal logging
3.2: Japan-Indonesia bilateral agreement to tackle illegal logging
3.3: Brazil
3.3.1: Big rise in deforestation
3.3.2: New rules for mahogany extraction
4: Environmental campaigns and issues
4.1: Greenpeace turn up the heat
4.2: Public perception of wood-based industries
4.3: Australian study confirms life cycle benefits of wood
5: Meetings
5.1: Future meetings in Europe
5.2: Future meetings outside Europe
Report PDF: T&E_July_Aug_2003
1: Forest Certification Developments
1.1: Global area of certified forest
1.2: Global supply of certified forest products
1.3: Forest Stewardship Council
1.3.1: FSC strategy and structure
1.3.2: Pilot testing of new chain of custody standards
1.3.3: Small and low intensity managed forests
1.3.4: WWF Producer Groups
1.3.5: FSC National Developments Austria Brazil Bolivia Canada Netherlands
1.4: Threshold Legitimacy Model
1.5: European industry chain of custody standard
2: International Arrangements and institutions
2.1: EU Illegal Logging Action Plan
2.1.1: Current status
2.1.2: Environmental lobbying
2.1.3: UK reaction to the plan
2.2: Illegal logging reseach activities
2.2.1: Forest law enforcement and rural livelihoods
2.2.2: Role of independent monitors
2.2.3: China and illegal logging
2.3: EU Eco-label on furniture
2.4: EU Forest Strategy
3: National Forest Policy
3.1: Indonesia
3.1.1: UK-Indonesia bilateral agreement to tackle illegal logging
3.1.2: Illegal logging continues unabated
4: Environmental campaigns and issues
5: Meetings
5.1: Future meetings in Europe
5.2: Future meetings outside Europe
Report PDF: T&E_Sep_Oct_2003
1: Forest Certification Developments
1.1: Pan European Forest Certification Scheme
1.1.1: Recent progress
1.1.2: National developments
1.2: Forest Stewardship Council
1.2.1: FSC certified forest area
1.2.2: Pilot testing of new chain of custody standards
1.2.3: Small and low intensity managed forests
1.2.4: Land tenure and indigenous peoples rights
1.2.5: IKEA-WWF co-operate to promote certification
1.2.6: FSC Regional and National Developments Africa Japan Brazil Switzerland
1.2.7: Environmentalist critique of FSC certified plantations
1.3: Australia
1.4: Malaysia
1.5: Canada
1.6: Comparative studies
1.7: ISO14001 sector-specific guidance
1.8: AHEC European Convention
1.9: U.K. Institute of Wood Science
1.10: European Tropical Forest Research Network
2: International Arrangements and institutions
2.1: EU Illegal Logging Action Plan
2.2: African Forest Law Enforcement and Governance (FLEG) Conference
2.3: Illegal logging research activities
2.3.1: ITTO study of trade data
2.3.2: International Forestry Review, Special Edition
2.3.3: Royal Institute of International Affairs
2.4: EU Eco-label on furniture
2.5: UNECE Timber Committee
3: National Forest Policy
3.1: Baltic States
3.2: Russia
3.3: Indonesia
3.3.1: Indonesia-Korea bilateral agreement
3.3.2: Indonesia-UK bilateral agreement
3.3.3: Indonesia-Malaysia bilateral (dis)agreement
3.4: Cameroon
3.5: Peru
3.6: Liberia
4: National Timber Procurement Policy
4.1: UK
4.1.1: Central Government Procurement Policy
4.1.2: Timber Trade Federation Purchasing Policy
4.1.3: BREEAM-Ecohomes
4.1.4: Greens continue to push FSC-only policy
4.2: Germany
4.3: Denmark
5: Environmental campaigns and issues
5.1: Illegal logging in Eastern Europe
5.2: Cambodia and Burma
5.3: Singapore
5.4: “Ancient forest friendly” paper
6: Meetings
6.1: Future meetings in Europe
6.2: Future meetings outside Europe
Report PDF: T&E_Nov_Dec_2003
1: Forest Certification Developments
1.1: Global certified forest area
1.2: Global chain of custody certificates
1.3: Pan European Forest Certification Scheme
1.3.1: General Assembly
1.3.2: PEFC strengthens links with international accreditation organisations
1.3.3: PEFC Poland
1.4: Forest Stewardship Council
1.4.1: New accreditation standards
1.4.2: FSC in Canada
1.4.3: FSC in Russia
1.5: Russia develops national forest certification scheme
1.6: Malaysia
1.6.1: Growth in MTCC scheme
1.6.2: Malaysian government view of certification
1.7: Keurhout taken over by Netherlands Timber Trade Association
2: International Arrangements and institutions
2.1: ITTO
2.1.1: ITTO Meeting, Yokohama, November 2003
2.1.2: Renogiation of the International Tropical Timber Agreement
2.1.3: ITTO Communication and Marketing
2.2: Kyoto Protocol – agreement on forests as carbon sinks
2.3: Convention on Biodiversity – encroaching into forest policy
3: National Forest Policy
3.1: Big risks for Russian forest sector
3.2: Malaysia claims it is taking enforcement issues seriously
4: National Timber Procurement Policy
4.1: UK
4.1.1: Responsible Timber Procurement Seminar, December 9, London
4.1.2: UK FLEG Programme
5: Environmental campaigns and issues
5.1: Greenpeace in cyber-space
5.2: Greenpeace in Brazil
6: Meetings
6.1: Future meetings in Europe
6.2: Future meetings outside Europe